Jan Škoda
Work & projects
- Founder of Liquidity Labs, cryptocurrency market-making/algo-trading firm.
- Founder of Crypto Lake data provider offering high-frequency historical order book data for quants.
- ✔ Head of Research at Quantlane
- ✔ Python developer at Quantlane
- Occasional open-source contributor of e.g. pandas and
- ✔ Czech insurance companies comparison
- ✔ Network administration team member at Gymnázium, Plzeň
- ✔ Python developer at Procedural Inc. (UK)
- ✔ Senior Server Administrator at Geosense s.r.o.
- ✔ Junior Enterprise Java Developer at IBM Czech Republic
- ✔ Co-Founder of ITOL s.r.o.
- ✔ OFIGHT high-school programming team member
- University of Tsukuba, Japan
- ✔ Internship at the Intelligent Robot Laboratory
- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
- ✔ Master
- ✔ Bachelor
- ✔ Gymnázium, Plzeň (high school)
Publications & talks
- Market maker’s blog
- Blog on algo-trading and high-frequency trading in crypto
- Algo-trading in crypto
- UTXO Prague 2023 talk
- Performance tuning in Python
- PyCon Prague 2019 talk
- Bringing C performance to Python code
- PyCon Prague 2017 talk
- 3D Navigation for Mobile Robots
- Master thesis, MFF UK, Prague, 2017
- 3D Navigation for Mobile Robot
- Published and presented at the 3rd Yamabico Symposium in Tokyo, 2016
- Camera-Based Localisation and Stabilization of a Flying Drone
- Coauthor prof. RNDr. Roman Barták Ph.D
- Published at the FLAIRS Conference in Hollywood, 2015
- Simultaneous localization and mapping with the AR. Drone quadricopter
- Bachellor thesis, MFF UK, Prague, 2014
Free time
- Canoer, golfer, badminton and squash player
- 3D printing enthusiast
- ✔ Amateur photographer
- ✔ Programming seminars for high school students organizer